Showcases Network Member Showcases ShowcaseSchool of Informatics at University of Edinburgh (United Kindom) ShowcaseShowcaseNeural Learning and Intelligent Systems Group at Institute of Neuroinformatics UZH/ETH Zurich (Switzerland) ShowcaseShowcaseAutomated Reasoning and Formal Methods Group at Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) (Czech Republic) ShowcaseShowcaseThe Hessian Center for AI (Formerly known as AI.DA) at Technical University Darmstadt (Germany) ShowcaseShowcaseThe TAO/TAU Team at INRIA, CNRS and Université Paris-Sud in Orsay (France) Showcase Alexa Kodde2022-03-21T11:56:19+01:00