CLAIRE Networks
New CLAIRE Network membership levels
Over the last 36 months, CLAIRE has been growing into a pan-European community of over 400 research labs and companies that are committed to working together towards realising the CLAIRE Vision: Excellence across all of AI, for all of Europe, with a human-centred focus.
What is the new membership structure?
For both the CLAIRE Research and the CLAIRE Innovation Networks, there will now be three levels of membership available: Gold (paid), Green (free) and Associate (outside of Europe).
Why have new CLAIRE membership levels been created?
The next stage of the network’s development allows more choice for the level of membership in both the CLAIRE Research and Innovation Networks. By introducing these new levels of membership — Gold, Green and Associate — members can customise their involvement with CLAIRE and and choose to further support CLAIRE’s dual focus on AI for Good and AI for All.
What is changing?
New CLAIRE membership levels have been included that allow companies developing AI that want to be a part of the CLAIRE community to join free of charge by becoming a Green Member of the Innovation Network, while research institutes and universities can further support the CLAIRE Vision by joining as a paying Gold Member of the Research Network.
What does this mean for existing members?
- All existing Members in the Research Network will become Green Members.
- All existing Members in the Innovation Network will become Gold Members.
- Any existing Member may change their membership level on a yearly basis.
- Green Research Network Members that are a part of a Gold Member will be indicated as such.