1st Industry Collaboration and Transfer Exchange on AI

When: 06–07 May 2024

Where: Innovation Center Saarland University | Saarbrücken Campus, Germany

Organisers: Presented by TAILOR, with support from CLAIREVISIONCERTAINTNODFKI and the Transatlantic AI eXchange

Webpage: https://www.vision4ai.eu/from-research-to-market

We invite you to attend the inaugural Industry Collaboration and Transfer Exchange on AI – “From Research to Market”! This revolutionary congress is dedicated to catalyzing collaboration and streamlining the transfer of knowledge and expertise from industry to academia in the dynamic field of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.

Presented by TAILOR, with support from CLAIREVISIONCERTAINTNODFKI and the Transatlantic AI eXchange, the event is designed to primarily bridge the gap between industry needs and research capabilities. Immerse yourself in inspiring keynote speeches and engaging workshops that aim to define requirements and cultivate micro-projects in close partnership with research entities.

This congress serves as a pivotal platform for industry professionals to communicate their insights, challenges, and requirements directly with researchers. This direct interaction enables researchers to effectively tailor their efforts to address real-world problems and market demands. Simultaneously, researchers get the opportunity to showcase their latest advancements and collaborate with industry partners to ensure their work translates seamlessly into practical solutions.

Beyond the structured sessions, our congress offers extensive networking opportunities and informal discussions. Participants can forge meaningful connections, exploring potential collaborations extending far beyond the event itself.

Embark on this transformative journey with us as we facilitate the seamless transfer of knowledge and innovation from industry to academia, shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence research and its practical applications in the market. Join us in redefining the landscape of AI collaboration and contributing to the evolution of cutting-edge research into tangible market solutions.