Workshop on Symbolic XAI

When: 23 May 2024

Where: Auditorium 6, TU Eindhoven

Organisers: A joint workshop by EAISILeuven.AI, and RWTH AI Center


The ELA AI Triangle (EAISI, Leuven.AI, and RWTH AI Center) Workshop series on Explainable AI (XAI) will kick off on May 23rd at TU Eindhoven. The first workshop in the series will focus on theories, methods, and applications of (neuro-) symbolic AI that enable and/or leverage explainability. However, all researchers interested in this and other XAI subareas are welcome to attend and contribute. Thanks to sponsorship of TAILOR and CLAIRE, participation in the workshop is free. Come to TU Eindhoven to hear from invited speakers, to participate in a design challenge, to contribute a poster presentation and community building!

We invite researchers at all levels, including MSc thesis students, PhD candidates, postdocs and more established researchers working on XAI to present their recent work at one of the two poster sessions. There is no requirement for presenters to be affiliated with KU Leuven, TU/e, or RWTH Aachen. We especially encourage members of TAILOR and CLAIRE to contribute. You can bring your printed poster (A0 or A1 size recommended) with you or request it to be printed on-site free of charge. A link to upload your poster will be provided some days in advance before the workshop takes place.

Please register at your earliest convenience by filling in this form.

Registration is open until 10/05/2024.