CLAIRE | Paris Office Launch

On 17 June 2021, we celebrated our official Paris Office launch.

Building pan-European bridges, CLAIRE is celebrating its reach across Europe by launching four new offices in Zurich, Oslo, Paris and Brussels in a month-long Office Opening Roadshow beginning on May 26 to strengthen the CLAIRE vision of inclusive and co-creative collaboration for responsible AI research and education all across Europe. The new offices will complement the 4 existing offices in The Hague, Saarbrücken, Rome and Prague.

Please join the launching event “Together for AI – European and International Partnerships”, on Zoom from 10:00am to 12:00pm on June 17 2021. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about CLAIRE and the Paris office but also about two strategic partnerships that the office is particularly involved in, the European PPP on AI, data and robotics and the GPAI.

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