In response to the official request for feedback on the draft ethics guidelines for trustworthy artificial intelligence prepared by the HLEG AI, over the last three weeks, CLAIRE has been running a carefully designed, open process aimed at providing the European Commission – and notably, the high-level expert group – with meaningful feedback.
CLAIRE’s IAG ELS, a group of 9 leading experts on ethical, legal and social issue has carefully analysed the draft guidelines and produced an official response of CLAIRE, which has been submitted via the AI Alliance platform as official input to the European Commission’s high-level expert group on artificial intelligence (HLEG AI). This document can be found at
At the same time, the CLAIRE community at large has participated in a lively discussion, resulting in a large number of individual submissions of feedback via the AI Alliance.
With this response to the European Commission’s request for discussion and feedback, the AI community, as organised in CLAIRE, has demonstrated the degree to which it is motivated and fully capable to provide meaningful input to the commission’s processes regarding AI in a way that engages thousands of AI experts and stakeholders. Our hope is that our feedback with help the HLEG and the Commission to further improve the draft ethics guidelines, for the benefit of the European AI community and all its stakeholders, including the citizens of Europe, whose lives will be touched by the outcome of this process.